How to Heal Rosacea Naturally: My Journey to Calm Skin

Pumpkin Seed Oil for Rosacea

How to Heal Rosacea Naturally: Your Guide From Someone Who’s Been There

If you’re searching for how to heal rosacea naturally, you’re not alone. My journey to healing rosacea naturally has taught me valuable lessons and I am here to share my personal journey with this challenging skin condition and the natural rosacea remedies I’ve discovered along the way. It’s been quite the adventure — think of it as a long, winding road trip with unexpected detours and surprising discoveries in rosacea management. Whether you’re just starting out or have been dealing with Rosacea for years, I hope my story offers you some comfort, inspiration, and maybe even a few practical tips to try.

First things first: You’re not alone. Rosacea can feel isolating, but there’s a whole community of us out there, supporting each other and sharing what works. So, wherever you are on your journey, know that there’s hope and that solutions exist – even if finding them takes some time and patience.


Rosacea Symptoms: Early Signs and Confusion

My Rosacea story began during a particularly stressful period in my life. While I was busy juggling multiple life-changing events (all positive, but overwhelming nonetheless), I noticed some unusual changes on my face. Rash-like marks appeared on my cheeks, accompanied by small pimples and more consistent facial redness. My skin would fluctuate between being dry and oily along with being generally more irritated – I had no idea what was happening.

Initially, I thought these symptoms would disappear once life calmed down. But they persisted and worsened, with my face flaring up more frequently and becoming increasingly red and angry.

After months of trying over-the-counter treatments with no success, I finally visited my GP. The diagnosis? Rosacea.

To learn more about the Rosacea Signs and Symptoms visit the National Rosacea Society website here

While it was a relief to put a name to the condition, little did I know that this was just the beginning of a long journey towards understanding and managing my skin.

Conventional Treatments: The Steroid Cream Experience

My doctor prescribed a steroid cream, assuring me that a month’s use would solve the problem. Part of me was sceptical, but another part desperately wanted to believe in this quick fix. Unfortunately, the treatment brought its own set of challenges.

Within days of starting the cream, I experienced dizziness and nausea. It seemed impossible that such a small amount of cream could cause these side effects, but I couldn’t ignore how I felt. After about a week, I decided to trust my instincts and discontinue the treatment

This experience led me to explore how to heal rosacea naturally instead.

Healing Rosacea Naturally: First Steps

This setback led me to explore natural solutions for rosacea treatment — an approach I’ve often turned to throughout my life. My search for natural rosacea remedies began as a necessity, not a choice. Understanding how to reduce rosacea redness naturally became my primary focus. Through extensive research, I discovered that identifying and managing rosacea triggers is essential for natural healing.

After research into easily accessible holistic skincare options, I decided to try Aloe Vera as a natural rosacea remedy. It sounded simple enough, but finding a truly natural product proved challenging. Most options contained additives, and I had to compromise with a product that included a preservative.

During this time, I received well-intentioned but misguided advice to use only water-based products and avoid oils. Looking back, I now know this was incorrect for Rosacea-prone skin. This experience sparked my curiosity about skincare ingredients and set me on a path to becoming more informed about what I was putting on my sensitive skin.

I resigned myself to thinking this was my new normal

Makeup for Rosacea: Concealing vs. Healing

For the next couple of years, I relied on a daily ritual of concealing rather than healing. After a visit to a department store where I went in search of makeup before a wedding and left with not just cosmetics, but also a cleanser and moisturiser supposedly suitable for Rosacea. While these products provided some psychological comfort, they didn’t address the underlying issue. I resigned myself to thinking this was my new normal.

During this time, I maintained what I believed to be healthy lifestyle choices – whole foods, no caffeine, no alcohol. However, I now realise my emotional well-being was under significant stress, which likely impacted my skin.


Natural Healing Methods for Rosacea: A Holistic Approach

Late 2018 marked a turning point in my journey of healing rosacea naturally. With less emotional and physical stress and a strong support system, I began exploring holistic approaches to health and natural ways to treat rosacea. This support network became the foundation for my journey forward, providing me with the courage and resources to explore new avenues of healing. I’m profoundly grateful for this support, as it truly provided the stepping stones to where I am today.

This experience has ignited a passion in me to pay it forward. I now feel a deep calling to support others on their Rosacea journeys, to share what I’ve learned, and to offer hope to those who might be feeling lost or frustrated. It’s this desire to help others that drives me to share my story and the insights I’ve gained along the way.

During this transformative period, I trained as a Clinical Aromatherapist and Reflexologist, learning to treat the body, mind, and soul as interconnected parts. This holistic approach opened my eyes to new possibilities in managing my Rosacea and overall health.

It was only during this transformative period that I discovered Rosacea is actually a form of acne. This revelation was eye-opening, as it was then that I found true hope, belief, and understanding that Rosacea could be healed naturally and holistically.

My journey towards wellness wasn’t planned – I simply followed my instincts, taking one step at a time. Here’s how it unfolded:

  • Food Sensitivities and Rosacea: Uncovering Triggers

I got tested for food allergies, which revealed a gluten intolerance. This led me to research food nutrients, resulting in noticeable improvements in my overall health.

  • Homeopathy and Rosacea: Exploring Emotional Connections in Skin Health

A visit to a homeopath introduced the idea that my Rosacea might be a physical manifestation of suppressed emotions. This insight helped me become more expressive and find better balance in my life.

  • Gut Health and Rosacea: The Probiotic Connection

I began exploring probiotics to restore good bacteria in my gut, especially after realising that previous antibiotic use might have disrupted my gut health.

 I now feel a deep calling to support others on their Rosacea journeys

Rosacea Research: Understanding Root Causes and Skin Layers

The global events of 2020 gave me unexpected time for deep research. I dove into scientific papers, trying to understand the root causes of Rosacea and which layers of skin it affects. This led to a two-pronged approach in 2021:

  • Autoimmune Theory: I explored the possibility of Rosacea being an autoimmune condition.
  • Skincare: I became intrigued with the science behind skincare formulations.


Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) for Rosacea: Reducing Inflammation

I essentially became my own functional medicine practitioner and AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) coach. Natural rosacea remedies often include dietary changes, which led me to explore the AIP protocol. Functional medicine focuses on finding and treating the root cause of symptoms, while AIP is an elimination diet aimed at reducing inflammation and healing the gut – both crucial aspects of holistic rosacea treatment.

I found following an anti-inflammatory diet for rosacea became crucial to my healing protocol. By incorporating specific anti-inflammatory foods for rosacea, I noticed significant improvements in my skin’s condition.

Since I was already avoiding several food groups, combining holistic skincare with dietary changes created a more comprehensive approach to healing, the elimination phase wasn’t too challenging. The real focus was on embracing foods that could aid in healing.

Formulating Natural Skincare for Rosacea: From Patient to Creator

Simultaneously, I embarked on a journey to become a Cosmetic Skincare Advanced Formulator. This allowed me to create my own holistic skincare products and understanding sensitive skin care became crucial. A key takeaway? Maintaining a healthy skin barrier is crucial, especially for those of us with Rosacea or sensitive skin.

Through my research, I identified the best natural ingredients for rosacea skin, focusing on those that support skin barrier repair and reduce inflammation.

Mind-Body Connection in Rosacea Management: Mindfulness and Meditation

Throughout this process, I’ve also explored mindfulness practices, meditation, and psychology. Stress-aware rosacea management techniques became (and still are) an essential part of my daily routine. These have helped me develop a better relationship with Rosacea and have been integral to my healing journey. Remember, where the mind goes, the body often follows.


Harmonie Botanicals: Sensitive Skincare for Rosacea-Prone Skin

All of these experiences and learnings have led me to create Harmonie Botanicals, starting with a holistic skincare line designed with sensitive, Rosacea-prone skin in mind.

It’s possible to find a balance that works for you and achieve clearer, calmer skin

Explore our Rosacea Skincare Collection tailored specifically for sensitive, Rosacea-prone skin.

Conclusion: Hope and Healing for Rosacea Warriors

I hope sharing my journey in rosacea management offers you some insights, hope, or ideas to explore on your own Rosacea management journey.

Remember, everyone’s skin is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. But with patience, persistence, and a holistic approach to skincare, it’s possible to find a balance that works for you and achieve clearer, calmer skin.

This journey of learning how to heal rosacea naturally has taught me that combining dietary changes, stress management, and appropriate holistic skincare creates the most effective natural remedy for rosacea flare-ups.

Have you found any particular strategies helpful in managing your Rosacea? Or do you have questions about anything I’ve shared? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!


Disclaimer: Personal Experience vs. Medical Advice

The information provided in this blog post is based on my personal experience and research. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your skin condition or health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this blog post.



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